In our grand re-opening welcome message, we thanked original owner Scott Jameson for allowing us to take over his masterpiece. And today, we want to thank another Scott -- namely Scott Fybush, for a plug in this week's edition of Northeast Radio Watch, just published yesterday. We appreciate the help in getting the word out!
As a person interested in radio, I keep up to date on all and any part of the country where radio is happening and changing. I read many radio websites that provide radio news, and Scott Fybush's NERW is one of the best.
To the folks at I am in the process of launching a blog that deals with radio format changes. Once it's launched, I too will spread the word about your site, and, if it's okay, I will put a link to you in my blogroll.
--The Radio Kid (coming soon...)
Happy to help spread the word...welcome back!