Regular visitors of this site may have noticed a few little changes over the weekend. We added a new Contact page (which can be used for anonymous news tips) and we're looking for volunteers to help with a new upcoming project.
New Contact Page
You probably already found it -- since it's got a bright red "NEW!" graphic next to it at the top of the page. We figured this would help encourage more folks to send news tips, because your name and e-mail address are optional. We've always honored anonymity requests, but if you're just too paranoid to trust that -- the new Contact Page lets you send in messages without providing your name or e-mail address. You can even upload submissions for Picture of the Week! Of course, we're still reachable at cnyradio(at) if you prefer to use regular e-mail.
Site Layout Changes
We tweaked the design of the article previews on the homepage, to help tighten things up. Newspapers often try to get as much content as possible "above the fold." This slight tweak we made helps more stories appear on your screen without scrolling -- the digital equivalent of being "above the fold."
Help Wanted for New Project
By popular demand, we're working on a way to bring back many of the features of the original, including station ratings, program schedules, station contact information, and much more.
With over 100 stations in the 4 markets we cover, it will not be an easy task. That's why we're asking for volunteers to help get things started. If you can devote at least an hour or two a week, you can be non-biased about stations, and especially if you're familiar with Wikipedia markup (or willing to teach yourself) please let us know. Of course, you WILL need to provide an e-mail address so we can get back to you with more details when we're ready to let the volunteers in... that'll be happening in about a week or two.