WATERTOWN -- Co-workers, listeners and other friends recently gathered for a benefit for the family of Bud "Green" Yeman. The Froggy 97 (WFRY) afternoon driver lost two daughters and a soon-to-be-born grandchild during a Memorial Day weekend crash that also claimed two other lives.
Froggy 97 PD Stan Soboleski (aka James Pond) sent in this picture from the July 26th memorial, which was held at the Felts Mills Fire Department. Yeman is a member of the department, as was his elder daughter, Susan Melgar.
Pictured standing from left, Froggy morning co-hosts Cricket and James Pond, with Bud Green. Seated is Morning Splash "fan club" president Julie.
Soboleski says the event event raised more than $2,500 to help Yeman's family.
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