Every website on the internet generally collects SOME information about its vistors. This page serves to provide a plain English explanation as to what kind of information we collect about you, and who has access to that data.
People who simply read the site, but don't engage in any other activities (like posting comments) are known as casual users, at least for the purposes of this privacy policy.
This website uses two different services to collect aggregate statistics about our audience. For example, we can see how many views each story receives, but we can't "single out" any one particular visitor to see which stories that person viewed. (Even if we could, we've got much better things to do with our time.)
In a nutshell, if you're just casually browsing the site, there's no way for us to tell who you are.
Note: Some of the advertisements seen on this website are fed directly by Google. Google has its own privacy policy regarding all of the services it operates, including advertising.
If you registered to receive email alerts about new articles published on this website, or to get notified about any replies to comments you have posted, those will be the only emails you will receive from us. Each email you receive through this service includes a link to a settings page, where you can adjust the frequency of the email alerts you receive, or you can terminate your email subscription altogether. You will only receive email for the service(s) you requested; we never send unsolicited email and we never share email addresses with any outside party.
CNYRadio.com user logins are ONLY required if you wish to post comments below our stories, using our own comment interface (rather than the Facebook comment interface). If you never plan to post comments, you don't need to register for a login. If you do register, it is possible to establish an account without revealing your true identity to anyone, even site management.
Registration requires you to choose a username and to provide a valid email address. Usernames do NOT need to reveal your true identity, but they cannot falsely imply that you are someone else. We will also not allow usernames which are deemed to be profane in any way. Site management reserves the right to cancel any user account, and all such decisions will be final.
A valid email address is required because, right after you register, the site will email a randomly-generated "starter" password to the address you provided. Login to your email, get the password, and use it to login at CNYRadio.com. You will be required to create a different password of your own choosing.
You will also be taken to a "profile" page with plenty of other questions, but NONE of these items is required. You can leave them all blank. The ONLY item that the general public may view is your website URL, and only if you post comments on the site, as your name will appear as a link to the URL you provided. Site management reserves the right to delete URLs or accounts if deemed inappropriate.
In a nutshell, if you don’t want people to know who you are, just make sure your username doesn’t give you away, and leave the website URL blank. (Again, don’t create a username or link to a URL which implies you’re somebody else.)
For most users, your email address will be used for only three things:
Again, we will never send unsolicited “mass e-mails” to our entire membership. We will never share subscriber e-mail addresses with third parties. We hate junk mail just as much as you do.