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Happy Thanksgiving!

November 27, 2008 by CNYRadio.com

We're not expecting any big news today, so we thought we'd take a moment to pause and give our thanks to YOU -- our readers -- for helping to make the re-launch of CNYRadio.com a success.

We're thankful just for the fact you're here.  We may not know your name or where you're from, but we can see how many people visit the site every day.  It's not a huge number, but it's more than we expected in just 9 months.  We're both humbled and glad to have you in our audience.

We're especially thankful for those of you -- both in the biz and casual observers -- who've sent in news tips, job postings and photos.  With a staff of one (and a "real" job that occupies a third of our day), it's impossible to constantly monitor every station in every market.  Every tip we get is greatly appreciated, and we've enjoyed the chance to meet some of the area's top radio pros and fans (even if just via e-mail) over the past 9 months since we re-launched the site.

So, again, to put it simply: thank you.

We hope you've got plenty to be thankful for today too.

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