
POTW: Guitar Hero Champs (2008)

January 9, 2009 by

WATERTOWN MARKET -- It's slim pickins when it comes to finding new pictures on radio station websites in the North Country... but it's been so long since we had a Watertown picture, we hunted and hunted (and missed our POTW deadline by nearly 4 hours) but we finally got one.

Here's Matt George from the morning show at Mix 96.1 in Massena, with the "expert level" winner of the station's Guitar Hero contest.  Dustyn Mulvan won a real guitar (his choice: electric or acoustic), a $50 savings bond, a Mix 96.1 t-shirt, and a "Rock Band" t-shirt.  We don't know which shopping mall hosted this competition, but those ceiling tiles could use some attention.  You can see the other contest winner photos by clicking here (and yes, they actually posted them as a PDF file, so don't freak out when Adobe Acrobat pops up on your screen).

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