
POTW: Josh Grosvent's new look

December 16, 2013 by

SYRACUSE -- We always wrap up our "Picture of the Week" posts by asking readers to keep the feature going by submitting their own photos.  After working our way through a backlog of submissions for the past few weeks, the queue was empty -- until K-Rock (WKRL/WKRH/WKLL) morning co-host Josh Grosvent came to the rescue with a photo submitted via Twitter.


Yes, this happened.  And no, we don't know the story behind the photo, but we'll admit we laughed out loud when the tweet rolled in.

Update: Josh provided the story behind the photo:

Since the tweet was public, a few other people already shared their own reactions:

Hey, we asked for photos and we got one... so we'll make good on our end of the bargain and share it here as our Picture of the Week!

Got Photos?

We already have a photo lined up for next week, but after that, the queue will be empty once again.  If it's been awhile since we've featured anything from your local radio or television station, here's your chance to change that -- share your photos with us at or upload via the Contact Form.  (We've even been known to feature the occasional video, so keep that in mind as well.)  Anything related to local radio or TV, past or present, is always appreciated.  Thanks to your submissions, there's a new Picture of the Week every Monday at 7:00am.

2 comments on “POTW: Josh Grosvent's new look”

  1. The only "story" behind the pic is that @KRockCarsen left her jacket unattended & I felt the need to model it... shirtless?


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