

News about the site itself. Opens "Jobs Wanted" Page

Last month, we asked if you'd like us to open a "Jobs Wanted" page, to post ads if you're looking for work. In that poll, the votes were 75% in favor. Today, we've opened the page -- at least on a trial basis for now -- to see how things go. Just click "Jobs Wanted" […]

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Help Wanted!

Just a brief reminder -- our new Station Wiki could really use some helping hands!  We'd greatly appreciate any assistance, even if you only have 10 or 15 minutes here and there to help out.

Read More Celebrates 1st Re-Birthday

Happy re-birthday to us!  It's been exactly one year since re-launched under new management -- after the site spent nearly four years in hiatus.  We've got plenty of people to thank for our success, and to show our thanks for your help in our first year, we've got a present for you!

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Poll: Should We Add a Jobs Wanted Page?

With the headlines of local radio job cuts (sadly) becoming more and more frequent, we thought we'd revisit a question we've pondered internally here at HQ -- should we open a "Jobs Wanted" page?  Click "More" to cast your vote.

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Calling All Jocks with Websites!

As you may or may not have noticed, we recently added a new section to our Links page -- links to websites operated by local (or formerly local) on-air personalities.  We just quietly started with a few links we've happened to find on our own lately, but we'd like to extend the invitation to the […]

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Arbitron Settles PPM Cases in NY & NJ

NEW YORK -- Arbitron will pay over $500,000 and change the way it recruits survey respondents, to settle lawsuits concerning the use of the Portable People Meter in New York and New Jersey.

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The Year in Review: 2008

CENTRAL NEW YORK -- Even though 2008 had its slow times, this was a remarkably busy year for the return of  As we prepare to clink our champagne glasses and watch WRUN/WOLF alum Dick Clark ring in 2009, we'll take a look back at the major happenings from the year that was 2008.

Read More Readers See Future... Sort Of

You might remember back in May, when our Weekly Poll asked, "How many more format flips will we see in CNY before the end of the year?"  Well, it's the end of the year... so we thought it'd be fun to compare the poll results to what actually happened since May.

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Merry Christmas!

We've got a modest -- but hopefully useful -- gift for you!  Check out the new "Share This" icons at the bottom of every single article.  With just a few quick clicks, you can share articles on Facebook, digg, MySpace, and a number of other popular networking and blogging websites.  You can also e-mail […]

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Help Wanted

If you were ever visited the original, you may remember the site was much more than just news articles and basic station listings. For the past few months, we've been working to bring back many more of the original site's features... but we could really use some help to speed things up.

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